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British Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
Cushman Wakefield
Entourage Security
Andrews International
Quintessential Drinks

Making language and culture work for your business

When companies both big and small begin looking into exporting their products and services into new regions, the risks can be considerable but the rewards can also be very lucrative. Effective multilingual communication is at the heart of everything we do, but words don’t always account for a new market’s business culture, product regulations or due diligence. Nor can one rely solely on culture as a means of evaluating and signing contractual agreements with prospective distributors and suppliers. That’s why we also provide our clients with the gold-standard in training and awareness sessions.

Understand culture and minimise your risk

Cultural intelligence can be defined as the recognising and understanding of the beliefs, values, languages, customs and behaviours of a group of people and the ability to apply that knowledge toward the achieving of specific goals.

Securing and using the right cultural intelligence gives you the advantage of being able to blend into an environment and be accepted by a community. This powerful tool will improve your performance in a multicultural setting and identify meaning that can be lost in translation or misunderstood in nonverbal behaviour. It will earn you the respect of others and reduce your risk of falling foul of local customs or worse.

Cultures vary – learn how to respect and be respected

Cinema, television and access to the internet may have brought citizens of the world closer together in many ways but cultural difference remains a powerful force that defines our identity. A little knowledge and respect for culture and local customs can make an enormous difference when living or operating in a country that is unfamiliar and you can find plenty of sensible advice on doing business in other countries. For those looking to relocate or do business in a new country Today Advisory offers briefings that are tailored to you.

Your requirement may stem from a restructuring project or decisions on the makeup of a management team following a merger across borders and cultures. Whether your requirements are as particular as they are confidential, or purely general interest in we would be delighted to assist you. Awareness, intelligence and briefing services typically focus on areas such as:

  • Daily living issues and cultural profiles of major markets
  • Safety and managing risk
  • Critical incident support and problem solving
  • The cultural and political landscape in your target region
  • Cultural profiles of key cities and/or regions
  • Making a positive first impression in an unfamiliar cultural context
  • Tips for success in local business meetings and negotiations
  • The local culture of giving and losing face
  • Cross-cultural team building and leadership
  • Contact us to discuss creating a briefing session tailored to address your specific issues.

Get accredited training from trusted professionals

Today Advisory Services has an enviable network of highly trustworthy professionals with expertise in the investigation and prevention of crime, cultural intelligence, linguistics and crisis management. The company has developed a programme of training that is delivered in partnership with the Centre for Investigative Learning.

The programme promotes a culture of not simply doing the right thing but achieving the result that’s right for the client. Using real life case studies and hard earned experience, every programme is tailored to need and delivered through a wide variety of engaging learning methods. The modular format addresses underlying issues that are overlooked by conventional training and provides strategic and tactical solutions that add true value. The programme covers five core areas:

  • Understanding the Threat
  • Techniques for Preventing Corrupt Practices
  • Conducting Effective Due Diligence
  • Preventing and Responding to Fraud
  • Managing a Crisis

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